Haven’t we often wondered what is carried on with us after death? Our ‘karma’, as it is called in Hindu mythology, decides where it that we should go . We believe in the concept of ‘Divine Justice’. I read a news clipping some time back which motivated me to think that we are actually made to pay for our sins in this world itself, that the One Above might ‘delay the justice but never denies it’. So here it goes in my words (of course)……
A man is arrested on grounds of Murder with malicious intent. He had killed an old woman who was the owner of the house where he had gone to steal. When caught in the act by her, had shot her, thereby killing her. There were eye-witnesses who saw him head out of the house, people who could positively identify him. He was tried in court with the witnesses identifying him, but still he was left scott free. Y do u think this happened? He had an identical twin brother, and the witnesses could not positively identify which brother it was…….As the verdict goes “its better to free the guilty than punish the innocent”. The case made history being the first case where the accused was not punished in spite of clear evidence of crime. But the story reached a climax when one of the brothers was crushed to death by a speeding truck just outside the court in an (un)fortunate accident. Which brother was it, the guilty or the innocent……No one will ever know. But it made me think….. Was that a sign from above of the lack of justice?
Does our ‘Karma’ get back at us……….Until next blog, “Do Good , Be Good”!!